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Stainer Quartett
The Musikkollegium Winterthur came in the year 1951 into possession of a unique quartet of string instruments made by Jacobus Stainer (ca. 1617–1683) through a generous gift from Gustave Huguenin, Corseaux-Vevey (Switzerland). The instruments are a cello from the year 1673, a viola from the year 1660 and two violins from the year 1659.
After slumbering for years in the Musikkollegium’s showcases, the instruments were carefully restored to their original condition by master violin maker Aline M. Oberle and can be used to perform music from the epoch when they were built.
As a musician you have the possibility of renting these instruments, singly or as a quartet, for a fixed period of time or for a project. In the remaining time the instruments are accessible for the interested people and can be examined by appointment.